Our 2017 San Juan Islands Vacation

Tuesday, 8.8.2017

It can't help but be a wonderful day when it begins with crab frittatas. Delicious! And seemingly more crab than eggs. It was a no hurry morning as our only task for the day was a Turn Point lighthouse hike with a picnic lunch (see, this really is vacation). We did a little cleanup after breakfast and made ham sandwiches. We packed the sandwiches and the rest of our picnic lunch and started our hike around 10:30 a.m. After a dinghy trip to the County boat ramp, we pulled the boat beyond the high tide mark and stashed the anchor on the beach and started the climb to the school.

We kept walking past the school and eventually reached the lighthouse. There were several changes from our last visit (guessing 2 - 3 years ago). The only open building at that time was the "mule barn" which was used as a museum. Now the lighthouse is open and is the museum with photos and a video presentation on the history of the lighthoue. And, of course, a gift shop. They also renovated the keeper's houe and gathered lots of nice period authentic furniture pieces and decorations. It was very well done. And they had a very excited docent who shared stories of the house and the renovation.

Now it was picnic lunch time. Ham sandwiches, chips, vegies, dip and rose cremant. Plus, location, location, location. With the backpack lightened, we headed on our return hike. It was interesting to note the number of first time hikers headed to the lighthouse, asking us if they were headed in the right direction. Finally, to the joy of my aching knees, we were back at the dinghy. And it hadn't floated away! A quick little push into deeper water, fire up the motor and we could all collapse back on the boat. Whew!

After a little napping and some reading, we heard the voices of Joe and Chris Bozick. They were up in the islands on their sailboat (Breeze) and anchored nearby. After they were settled we headed over in our dinghy with some welcoming crackers, vegies, dip and citrus limoncello sangria. It is so good to visit with friends. Dinner was a pot luck event. We brought flat iron steak and corn on the cob from our barbeque while Chris prepared some pork and some green beans fresh from their garden. A bottle or two of wine later and some singing (with Joe and Dave on their guitars) and it was time to head back to Carpe Diem (in the dark) for a good night's rest.